
Doll Face/Eye Textures for Savi Head (FREE VRChat Asset)

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Doll Face/Eye Textures for Savi Head (FREE VRChat Asset)

457 ratings

These textures are made for ZinPia's Savi Head. Head is not included in this package.


♥─ 20 4k Resolution Textures total

♥─ 8 Face Textures

♥─ 8 Eye Textures

♥─ Alpha masks, emission masks, glitter masks included

Terms of Use↓

You must credit me when using these textures, using either a link to my twitter (twitter.com/23i2Ko), a link to this store page, or using my discord username (sivka.).

♥─ You may use this on public, free, or paid models

─ You may NOT redistribute/sell these textures by themselves (only allowed on finished models)

─ You may NOT claim credit for these textures

Important Info

I used Poiyomi for the cover image render in Unity, and blender for the rest!

This is the first time I'm releasing a texture pack. I tried really hard to keep the same level of definition going into the darker skintones, being sure that things like blush and the eyebags maintained the same prominence, but it may have some inaccuracies.

Any questions or concerns about this pack can be sent to me via DM on twitter or to my discord (sivka.). I usually respond within a few hours to a day.

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.ZIP file containing: Face + Eye textures, Alpha+Glitter Masks

49.8 MB
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